Adult Enrichment: Adult Enrichment offers speakers, Scripture Study, and various programs for lifelong faith formation for all adult members of the community. Various activities are planned each year and are published in the weekly bulletin. If you are interested in a specific program or have a suggestion for a program, please call the Director/Coordinator of Religious Education.

Altar Servers: Anyone above the 4th Grade is invited to volunteer to assist the priest at the altar during weekend liturgies, weddings, funerals, and other special worship services.

Art and Environment: People with a sense of order and beauty who volunteer in this area arrange the worship space and provide flowers and other symbolic arrangements which enhance the theme or focus of a particular liturgy or liturgical season. In addition, members of this group select and purchase materials, set up and remove decorations, etc.

CCD (Religious Education) Program (K through 8th grade): The purpose of this program is to provide religious information for children in grades K through 8th grade who are not attending a Catholic school. This program is aimed at assisting parents in their responsibility to hand on a knowledge and love of their faith to their children. Sacrament preparation is an integral part of the program. Please call the DRE/CRE if you are interested in enrolling or assisting in a class.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word: School children in grades K-3 are sent forth from the Sunday 10:00 A.M. liturgy at St. Thomas More to meet by age groups for reading and sharing the Sunday readings. They return to join their parents for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Worship leaders, aides, and coordinators are needed. The Director/Coordinator of Religious Education oversees this program.

Community Resources: A few high-quality resource agencies operate in South Louisville and offer professional help in response to a variety of human needs. Individuals or families are invited to contact the parish office for confidential referral assistance.

Finance Committee: The committee meets with the pastor and bookkeeper to review the parish’s financial status, review and project the parish budget, make recommendations for wise use of parish funds, and suggest ways to meet both operating costs and debt payments.

Gift Bearers: Gift Bearers play a vital role in each Eucharistic celebration. Individuals/families are encouraged to carry the wine and hosts to the altar.

Grief Support Group: Are you interested in joining a group of fellow parishioners once a month for fellowship and discussions on grief and loss? Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Thomas More Parishes participate in a grief support program entitled “GRIEFSHARE.” Griefshare is a 14-week support group program for those who have lost a loved one recently or many years ago. The program uses videos and small group discussions to cover the many aspects of the grief journey. For more information, go to or contact Donna Sansone, Facilitator, at 502-648-2561.

Lectors: Active parishioners who can project their voice and proclaim the Word of God so as to be easily heard and understood are eligible for selection as lectors at weekend liturgies.

Maintenance and Upkeep: The overall responsibility for keeping the buildings and grounds of our parish plant in good condition rests with the maintenance staff under the guidance of the Parish Manager. People with special skills, trades, or hobbies are occasionally asked to volunteer their time and talent in this area.

Ministers of the Eucharist: Those who serve in this ministry not only assist the Presider with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass but also bring the Eucharist to the sick and shut-ins within our parish community. Training and commissioning take place annually and according to needs.

Music Ministry: The primary purpose of music ministry in the parishes of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Thomas More is to encourage and enable full, conscious, and active participation of the entire assembly. To that end, opportunities exist for cantors, choir members, and instrumentalists. *Cantors are the primary song leaders at worship. Although cantors require an adequate singing voice, strong leadership is most important. Cantors reflect the makeup of the assembly and therefore the role is open to all ages. **Instrumentalists add beauty to our worship. Most celebrations make use of keyboard (piano and/or organ) and guitar, but practically any other instrument can be added in a way that will enhance our liturgy. Instrumentalists of all ages with proficiency on their instrument are encouraged to participate.

Pastoral Council: The Pastoral Council is the major consultative body to the pastor. The role of the council is shared prayer together, advisory body to the pastor, and visioning for the future of the parish. Other duties include review and approval of yearly parish budget, canvassing for the Catholic Service Appeal in the fall, and serving as a liaison between parish committees, organizations, and the council.

Picnic and Special Events: The annual parish Picnic is traditionally held the second weekend of June; plus there are several other events during the year including the annual Lenten Fish Fry. These events are major fund-raising activities for the parish and both require volunteers with skills in such areas as organization, recruiting, finance, food preparation, construction and electrical work, as well as people willing to set up and tear down booths, work booths during these events, clean up afterwards, etc.

Prayer Chain: This group of dedicated “pray-ers” offers prayers for the special intentions of individual parishioners. You would be notified by phone of the prayer request, you then will be asked to pray for that intention and communicate that request to the next person on the “chain.” All requests are considered with reverence and respect.

Project Hope: Saint Thomas More Parish pools its resources with several other churches in the South End through membership in the South Louisville Community Ministries to help individuals or families in need. The parish also has an active Project Hope Program which provides short-term assistance in emergency situations.

Religious Education Program: The purpose of this program is to provide religious information for children in grades K through 8th grade who are not enrolled in a Catholic school. This program is aimed at assisting parents in their responsibility to hand on a knowledge and love of their faith to their children. Sacramental preparation is an integral part of the Religious Education program.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the ongoing process we use to welcome and prepare adults and children over 7 for becoming Catholic Christians. Throughout the process the entire parish community supports and prays for the prospective members. Assistance from volunteer parishioners in the areas of sponsorship and team membership is vital to the continued effectiveness and impact of this program. The parish Director of Religious Education coordinates this process.

Respect Life: The general purpose of the parish Respect Life Committee is to make parishioners more aware of issues such as abortion, abuse, persons with disabilities, euthanasia, and the death penalty. Committee efforts focus on education, advocacy and strategies to affect public policy.

Scripture & Faith Sharing Group: This group is for anyone interested in discussing the next Sunday’s readings and how God is at work in our lives. You need not be a St. Thomas More Parishioner to participate. They meet every Friday at 11:00 A.M. in the Parish Life Center, Rm 1.

 St. Nicholas Academy: Effective July 1, 2024, St. Nicholas Academy which has been a regional school comprised of four sponsoring parishes: Our Lady of Mt Carmel, St. Thomas More, Sts. Simon and Jude, and Most Blessed Sacrament, will become a parish school of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel once again.  The members of the three former sponsoring parishes will retain their “Covenant” status for the next three years (2024-25, 2025-26, 2026-27).  Thereafter, the “Covenant” status will cease. For more information, contact the school at 502-368-8506.

St. Vincent de Paul Chapter: Parishioners who are members of this organization volunteer 4-5 hours each month for a short meeting and in-person calls to screen and help those in need of emergency assistance. Through voluntary envelopes and goodwill contributions the parish-at-large supports this important ministry.

Ushers: Ushers do more than take up the collection. They welcome people, especially newcomers or visitors. In general, they keep things functioning smoothly during Mass.

Vacation Bible School: Each summer the parish sponsors a Vacation Bible School, held for a week toward the latter part of June. Teachers, aides, and coordinators are needed. The Director/Coordinator of Religious Education oversees this annually.

Volunteer Office Help: Periodic volunteers to help with stuffing envelopes for parish mailings, telephoning, bulletin board updating, etc., are needed. Contact the parish office.